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Medicine of the trees
Join us Saturday July 6th
10 am-4 pm/ Lunch included
Teeswater, Ontario

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Join us for a one day retreat and celebrate the trees.

The trees are the standing people who can teach us how to ground and thrive on earth.They teach us compassion and how to be truly ourselves. 


Each season I am drawn to different tree medicines.  Presently I am drinking tamarack bark tea and it is so delicious! The swamp tree loses its needles every winter and come back in the spring. It is widely abundant in the swamps of Ontario. I harvest just enough for the week  & wear rubber boots while in the bogs and swamps. My eyes discover pitcher plants, leather leaf, wintergreen, and see deer prints in the mud. The birds sing as a I harvest. I feel at home in the swamp in the Spring for there are very few bugs! The plants are all coming out of hibernation and their long winter sleep of sweet dreams. I make prayers and offer tobacco that I grow. My hands harvest a little and my being basks in the beauty of the swamp. I make sure I don't harvest too much so I can go back again soon. It's best not to drive there, I walk. That way I see all the details on my journey there and back.


Every tree has its magic and personality. Each tree has stories to tell of of its life and Ancestors. They share freely if we slow down to listen.

Join me this July and celebrate the trees.


You will meet 3 different trees in person and taste their medicine.

Experience  2 guided tree spirit healing journeys.

Meet other tree loving folks.

Spend a whole day outdoors in the land.

Lunch included. Seasonal vegan soup & fresh local bagels or rice

& raw butter/ vegan butter.

Cost: $150 per person or 2 for $210. Bring a friend! Children are free.

Previous or present students $100

One work trade space has been taken.

Please share this page with anyone interested.

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