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Julie Gaia
Berry Branches

Healing is a journey, not a destination.

Plant Spirit Medicine Sessions

Emotional Healing

 In person- ​Markdale, Ontario.

Need help? Want to shift? Feel stuck?

 I have helped clients with depression, anxiety, feeling off or not quite right, grief, loss, sadness, life changes, chronic health issues, and more.

Plant spirit healing helps you get to the

emotional and spiritual root of your health challenges.

It is not a quick fix. Plants are not pills.

Plant Spirit Healing explores your whole being

and helps you thrive in this life time.


Your ancestors are here to support you

in more ways than you can imagine. 

Call to them and they will listen.

The stones.

The trees.

The birds.

The big cats.

The two-legged.

The whispering winds.

The cool rains.

The birds in flight.

Chipmunk in burrow.

The dreaming fish.

Crystal peoples.

The Eagle so high in the sky.

The butterfly in chrysalis.

The plants.

Plants are people too and have a multi-dimensional consciousness that may help you.

The plants are knowledge keepers and your relationship to them is the key to healing. Once you start working with plants to heal; all that no longer serves you will fall away. They will open you up to a new way of living.

When you connect with the spirits of the land your whole being remembers how to listen within your bones.

All healing sessions have been created to restore harmony in your body/your vessel in this lifetime.

Plant medicine is one of the original medicines on earth.

"The plants have so much to give us. All we have to do is ask." Keewaydinquay


What may each session include? One or more of the following.

-Clearing of the chakras with Mugwort.

-Soul parts retrieval.

-Channeling of plant spirit medicine.

-Cleansing with feathers, song, flutes, drumming, whistles, & rattles.

-A personal healing and integration plan and more...

-Flower essences are included in your session. 

 I will ask you about your health concerns, history, dreams, lifestyle, emotions, diet, etc.

 A personal healing plan will be created for you to help embody the medicines.

These maybe things like herbal baths, movement practices, rituals, or lifestyle shifts.

Each session is 1.5 hours. 

In person or distance sessions are available.

Markdale, Ontario.

Rates and Donations/ Please read these details

All  Plant Spirit Healing Sessions are offered by a donation rate. Some folks pay more or some less.

Please pay what works for you.  I have given a general guide.


 Plant Spirit Healing Session: $150 -250 (sliding scale)- 1.5 hours. Or  4/ $505

One session may be enough for an acute situation. 4 are helpful for a long term or chronic issue.

I offer consultations on the phone or in person.

Flower essences can be sent in the mail or picked up in person.

Please use the contact link above to book a session.

We will have a brief 15 minute call to see if this work is the right fit for you.

Please send your phone number and a few good times to call you.

Payments are due once you book your session.  Cancelation only permitted with a minimum of 7 days notice. Refunds only within 24 hours of booking.


Julie Gaia

I have often felt a strange energy attached to my body. It made me feel like someone else. After a few sessions I stopped using drugs and set my life on a new path. The entity that plagued me is gone & I feel like myself again. Free, free, free.


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